Life Coaching
Coaching: A Brilliant Way to Authentic Success
Life Coaching gently helps people to step out of their comfort zone so that they can easily obtain success in any area that they choose. Whether your client is:
- starting a new career,
- wants to lose weight,
- going through a divorce,
- working through recovery,
- planning for college,
- preparing for surgery,
- coping with the loss of a loved one,
- on a spiritual quest,
Coaching Authentically
Successful life coaching isn’t about you. It isn’t about what you know, what you’ve done, or what you’re doing. It is all about your client.
In fact, coaching is about empowering your clients to decide for themselves what their goals are. It’s about Socratic Questioning and attentive listening. It’s about understanding your client’s needs, goals, desires and life purpose. Coaches help their clients to identify and clearly articulate their goals and dreams. Coaches help their clients to remain accountable and help strategize the action steps required to achieve their objectives.
Life coaches are not counselors, advisors, expert consultants or therapists. Great life coaches are inspirational. They are objective in their guidance, and are passionate to help each client create success, their client’s version of success.

Life coaches come from many walks of life, and all have one thing in common: an innate calling to help others. With WGI’s Professional Life Coaching System, you will have the tools and the confidence to provide the finest life coaching experience to every client you serve.
As a graduate of WGI’s Certified Professional Life Coaches Course, you’ll know exactly what questions to ask to inspire your clients to a higher level of success and a richer more fulfilling life.

Wainwright Global Training and Coaching Systems
Barbara Wainwright, Founder and CEO of Wainwright Global, has over 3 decades of study and research in developing and implementing systems, curriculum and training programs that have helped thousands of individuals and corporations achieve a higher level of success. Wainwright Global, Inc., has a passion for helping coaches who are on a mission to improve the lives of their clients.
The Wainwright Method of Coaching
The Professional Life Coaching System developed by Wainwright Global Inc., provides its graduates with effective results-driven coaching tools, techniques and methodologies. Clients’ achievements are verified by measurable results as they reap the rewards of living a purposeful, meaningful, life.

The Wainwright Method of Training
Wainwright Global, Inc.